Jean – Antoine Lépine (early definitive version), Paris, 1774

Description: Gilt brass, back wound, movement with virgule escapement (28.7mm diameter), hanging barrel Lépine caliber. The movement lacks the typical two plate construction and represents the second type of the hanging barrel ‘Lépine caliber’, the spring barrel featuring an early ‘curved feather’ spring. The ‘A,R’ on the balance bridge table, readable from the balance side, as in the earliest versions before 1775. Enamelled copper dial signed ‘Lépine Invenit et Fecit’. The movement also includes a new type of hidden case spring and is prepared to accept a ‘cuvette’ (dust cap).

Additional Info:

The movement is cased in a often called ‘Chamberlain display case’. This type of display case was used by Major Paul Chamberlain (USA), hence the name. His friend and watch collector Henry Wing, made them. They were used by many US collectors between the first and second world war (A).